3 November 2014

Life is a bag of coincidences

Life is full of chances, of opportunities and coincidences.
Life is unexpected yet astonishing in its beauty. Life is fragile and precious. Every single moment is frail and needs to be kept carefully in our minds, locked in the cherished memories.

Here I am, just sitting with two inspiring people; sitting by the lake where I spent almost three months selling macrame; but now I am simply enjoying the view and appreciating the free time- the holidays I have earned, the time of not having to worry about the money, people, about anything.
It was a chain of coincidences which brought all of us here.

Me and Tom are taking the holidays at the moment. We borrowed a motorbike and went for few amazing trips outside of Pokhara. Yesterday however we got into a fight over food. Where are we going to eat, what and when: “Here?”
“Maybe not here.... ”
“But are you hungry?”
“I thought you are hungry...”
“I don't know, not anymore..”
“But I'm hungry.”
“Let's go eat then..”
“But maybe I'm not hungry anymore. Let's find food for you.”
Who was hungry...? One gets lost in these conversations.
So anyway, we had this unbelievable long ride, arguing and deciding what to do about food. Then suddenly Tom took a decision. He stopped at a dhaba where a small girl with incredibly beautiful big eyes waved at him.

“What do you want to eat?”
He asked me, but I just waved in a desperate motion. I felt sick since I had not eaten all day long:
“I even don't want to eat anymore.”
“Two chanas please, ” he ordered and I realized that if they would put anything nice in front of me, I would probably eat it. And indeed I had done so. It was an incredibly tasty food, for incredibly reasonable prices. The little girl chatted to us so happily that we both replied to her with a smile. She was genuine yet cute, one just had to love her.
Such a little thing in the life, such as finding a nice Indian family who cooks very well (and the fresh food was brought to us in a speed of light!!!) made our day. We felt bad for wasting time arguing all day and we felt blessed for having such a good food. On the other hand, without the bad beginning we would have never found this dhaba.
Then we went back to Pokhara and Tom came up with an appealing idea. Let's buy some crisps and beer and chill on the terrace of our guest house. Amazing, I thought! And then he realized that since it's our last day in this place, he'd rather see all his friends and say good bye.  Reasonable, but my fault was I already got excited about the idea of the romantic evening.
So I decided to go out as well. Not that I had anyone to hang out with. But I just didn't feel like staying in the guest house on my own. So what if I go to the restaurant with this amazing deal with a beer for 195 Rs only, with free popcorn, a soup and a chicken wing? (We went yesterday and it was really good.) But then, what the fuck would I do on my own there. I just cannot enjoy anymore sitting at the restaurant on my own. Not for long anyway... so I walked back home, passed the lake and felt sad about the fact how much we argue with Tom. You are a fire, my friend tells me. “You burn quickly”, he said and told me not to eat spicy food and garlic. Then I explode, again and again. And then I'm surprised that I get moody.
Anyway, on my way I stopped and sat near the lake. It was dark and I could not see anything, I didn't want to see anything.
Suddenly though I saw something moving, right in front of me. I looked. I looked more, wishing it's not a person. Wishing it's not a man. In the silhouette I had seen lot of hair so I thought it's a dog. It however, made some unnatural movement. Then I realized it's a person. It's a girl with a long curly hair. Suddenly she stood up, and walked to my direction. I was annoyed. Indeed, I had no intention to socialize that evening. However she kept talking to me. Soon I realized, in the dim light coming only from the stars, that it was the new girlfriend of my close friend David. I met her briefly only once. And now, meeting under these weird circumstances, she still had not recognized me. I wanted and yet unwanted to talk to her more, to stay, to share. She suddenly recognized my face and sat down. She didn't ask how I am doing, what am I doing here, or if I mind if she sits next to me. She just started talking about her issues, about how much she loves David and how unsure she is what to do next. What about his ex girlfriend, how could she help them. At first I was annoyed. Why can't I talk about my troubles? Why does she keep talking? Am I not interesting enough?
But then... who cares anyway? We all do have troubles, and sometimes it is better to listen, and help others rather than bitch about our lives. In the end of the day my 'troubles' are actually no troubles at all. I am living a happy life, I have the most amazing man and no one tells me what to do.
Thus I was grateful for her interruption. I suddenly stopped her and asked: “Listen, I really fancied going for this deal with the beer. But then I felt like sharing and there was no one I could share with tonight. Would you go with me?”
Of course she joined me. She shared not only the beer with me that night, but also herself- she shared her stories, her believes, fears and accomplishments. We talked beautifully, enjoyed each others company. I felt so happy; mainly for two reasons: for meeting such a beautiful creature, which was all along out there, just waiting to be talked to and explored. And secondly for not being left alone that night. Sometimes I escape to my solitude too often.

In the next two days- we didn't leave Pokhara on the date we intended to- I spent a lot of time with David and his girlfriend. They became a big part of me, and for that I am most grateful. And that was only thanks to the few little stupid things... it was only because I changed my direction, and wandered to the lake instead of going home. It was only because earlier that day I met a small girl with beautiful black eyes who brightened my day. The life is one big coincidence. One beautiful, big bag of coincidences.

Life is full of chances, of opportunities and coincidences.
Life is unexpected yet astonishing in its beauty. Life is fragile and precious. Every single moment is  frail and needs to be kept carefully in our minds, locked in the cherished memories.

Here I am, just sitting with two inspiring people; sitting by the lake where I spent almost three months selling macrame; but now I am simply enjoying the view and appreciating the free time- the holidays I have earned, while not having to worry about the money, time, people, about anything.
It was a chain of coincidences which brought all of us here.

Me and Tom are taking the holidays at the moment. We borrowed a motorbike and went for few amazing trips outside of Pokhara. Yesterday however we got into a fight over food. Where are we going to eat, what and when: “Here?”
“Maybe not here.... ”
“But are you hungry?”
“I thought you are hungry...”
“I don't know, not anymore..”
“But I'm hungry.”
“Let's go eat then..”
“But maybe I'm not hungry anymore. Let's find food for you.”
Who was hungry...? One gets lost in these conversations.
So anyway, we had this unbelievable long ride, arguing and deciding what to do about food. Then suddenly Tom took a decision. He stopped at a dhaba where a small girl with incredibly beautiful big eyes waved at him.
“What do you want to eat?”
He asked me, but I just waved in a desperate motion. I felt sick since I had not eaten all day long:
“I even don't want to eat anymore.”
“Two chanas please, ” he ordered and I realized that if they would put anything nice in front of me, I would probably eat it. And indeed I had done so. It was an incredibly tasty food, for incredibly reasonable prices. The little girl chatted to us so happily that we both replied to her with a smile. She was genuine yet cute, one just had to love her.
Such a little thing in life, such as finding a nice Indian family who cooks very well (and the fresh food was brought to us in a speed of light!!!) made our day. We felt bad for wasting time arguing all day and we felt blessed for having such a good food. On the other hand, without the bad beginning we would have never found this dhaba.
Then we went back to Pokhara and Tom came up with an appealing idea. Let's buy some crisps and beer and chill on the terrace of our guest house. Amazing I thought! And then he realized that since it's our last day in this place, he'd rather see all his friends and say good bye.  Reasonable, but my fault was I already got excited about the idea of the romantic evening.
So I decided to go out as well. Not that I had anyone to hang out with. But I just didn't feel like staying in the guest house on my own. So what if I go to the restaurant with this amazing deal with a beer for 195 Rs only, with free popcorn, a soup and a chicken wing? (We went yesterday and it was really good.) But then, what the fuck would I do on my own there. I just cannot enjoy anymore sitting at the restaurant on my own. Not for long anyway... so I walked back home, passed the lake and felt sad about the fact how much we argue with Tom. You are a fire, my friend tells me. “You burn quickly”, he said and told me not to eat spicy and garlic. Then I explode, again and again. And then I'm surprised I am moody.
Anyway, on my way I stopped and sat near the lake. It was dark and I could not see anything, I didn't want to see anything.
Suddenly though I saw something moving, right in front of me. I looked. I looked more, wishing it's not a person. Wishing it's not a man. In the silhouette I had seen lot of hair so I thought it's a dog. It however, made some unnatural movement. Then I realized it's a person. It's a girl with a long curly  hair. Suddenly she stood up, and walked to my direction. I was annoyed. Indeed, I had no intention to socialize that evening. However she kept talking to me. Soon I realized, in the dim light coming only from the stars, that it was the new girlfriend of my close friend David. I met her briefly only once. And now, meeting under these weird circumstances, she still had not recognized me. I wanted and yet unwanted to talk to her more, to stay, to share. She suddenly recognized my face and sat down. She didn't ask how I am doing, what am I doing here, or if I mind if she sits next to me. She just started talking about her issues, about how much she loves David and how unsure she is what to do next. What about his ex girlfriend, how could she help them. At first I was annoyed. Why can't I talk about my troubles? Am I not important enough? But then... who cares anyway? We all do have troubles, and sometimes it is better to listen, and help others rather than bitch about our lives. In the end of the day my 'troubles' are actually no troubles at all. I am living a happy life, I have the most amazing man and no one tells me what to do.
Thus I was grateful for her interruption. I suddenly stopped her and asked: “Listen, I really fancied going for this deal with the beer. But then I felt like sharing and there was no one I could share with tonight. Would you go with me?”
Of course she joined me. She shared not only the beer with me that night, but also herself- she shared her stories, her believes, fears and accomplishments. We talked beautifully, enjoyed each others company. I felt so happy; mainly for two reasons: for meeting such a beautiful creature, which was all along out there, just waiting to be talked to and explored. And secondly for not being left alone that night. Sometimes I escape to my solitude too often.

In the next two days- we didn't leave Pokhara on the date we intended to- I spent a lot of time with David and his girlfriend. They became a big part of me, and for that I am most grateful. And that was only thanks to the few little stupid things... it was only because I changed my direction, and wandered to the lake instead of going home. It was only because earlier that day I met a small girl with beautiful black eyes who brightened my day. The life is one big coincidence. One beautiful, big bag of coincidences.

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