If Eve is supposedly created from the rib of Adam, isn't he the one who should take care of her when she needs it? How come men were never able to watch women dying in the battles… (that is in fact the sole reason why women are not allowed to combat-not that they would be weak, far from that! But because the men are not able to look at a bleeding women.)
I remember all those times of being sick as hell (menstruation cramps, diarrhoea, you name it… or, well maybe that's just it), and the only thing the men around me have done was to shout at me, slap me or cry out for the ambulance. And yet sometimes just holding my hand would suffice.
Once I had my period cramps while vacating with my father- the immense pain started in the church, now that's funny! I remember all those times of being sick as hell (menstruation cramps, diarrhoea, you name it… or, well maybe that's just it), and the only thing the men around me have done was to shout at me, slap me or cry out for the ambulance. And yet sometimes just holding my hand would suffice.
Oh, oh! Fun fact! I just realized; I think that is why a bleeding woman cannot enter a Hindu temple… So she cannot puke all over the place… Just saying…
Anyway, back to the story: my father shouted at me like crazy, blamed me for not drink enough water what, according to his wisdom, was the cause of my sickness.. and that I simply need to walk it off… And I was only trying not to faint, and wanted to sit down at one of the pillars. However my father continued to shout that I am as stupid as my mother was, and that she also never drunk enough fluids… I had a bloody period you asshole!! Nothing to do with the water…
Then his girlfriend- who I hated to bits- just shushed him, and sat down next to me. She was only holding my hand. But that was all I needed, all I wanted at the time. Men just cannot cope with a suffering woman.

Few years back I dozed off in my room- period cramps.. Again! oh I hate being a woman!!! - and my mum and brother found me. My mum was somehow cool about it, well it will pass... honey what do u need, she gently asked me. However my brother could not stand watching me twisting on my back like a half-dead bug. He called the ambulance and, of course, shouted at me… screamed like crazy, wanted me to stand up, walk.. and when he pushed me more I got even worse pain and was crying and twisting and writhing and shaking more and more… Hence, he slapped me. Slapped me so hard that I almost fainted again. The fucking cramps did not stop and the two docs in the ambulance noticed the red mark all over my face. The funny think is that the man from the ambulance praised my brother for slapping me (you need to slap a person who is having a panic attack.) Yet the woman from the ambulance said: What a dick…!

Now I am laying in our bed in an airy room of Sri Lanka, shitting the soul out of me… And trying to explain to my husband that even though we have no idea what it is- food poisoning? Malaria?? could be anything…- that it will pass. He is scared as shit, asking me what I want to eat. I am fucking sick to my stomach so no, I do not wish to eat! Just hold my hand…
Well, men just do not have the guts to watch women how they suffer.
And yet, I still need to remain objective and mention to you one instance when the man acted like a true hero.
One time we went for holidays with my mum and her boyfriend. I got my painful periods -again!!!! not even funny mother fucking nature!- and I fainted on the top of the Arc the Triumph. The poor guy had to carry my adult body back to our room, but he did not utter one word… He held my hand when I wanted him to, and then left the room when I suddenly asked for some privacy. He didn't complain one bit and didn't ask to be spoken to nicely- I was in pain, I warn you, I tend to be bitchy.
Meanwhile I know that he was freaking out inside when he saw me like that. Yet, he just waited for his instructions and waited patiently. He knew it will pass, and he knew if he complained, it would only make things worse.
So, if you are a girl wish me luck. And if u are a man, look deeply into your wife's and mother's eyes- she suffers so many times just so YOU can be born, and yet the only thing she needs from you is your soothing voice, and your hand in her palm… and of course, from time to time bring her some painkillers!
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