15 September 2015

Nothing funny here

Fun Fact: Some male octopuses detach their tentacle and give it to the female for the purpose of reproducing. And I got a flower today from my other half.

Fun Fact Two: Pigs have a 30 minute orgasm. I mean, I know this is an old fact and I am pretty sure all of you know it. But it's still fun. And I love it. And it's my favourite. I want to be a pig…

Fun Fact Three: People can fart in their sleep. No, really! It happens! The worst is when you actually awake to your own fart… (from own experience? Naaah…)

What brings me to the Fun Fact Four: Garlic and spicy food heats up your body (and makes you fart at night…) . Okay, maybe not so much of a fun fact, BUT ! It really does heat up your body.. And your blood. Therefore if you tend to be hot-headed, violent, or otherwise fucked up, try to stay out of garlic and hot food. Just sayin'

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