I recently finished reading a fantastic book. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl.
She talks about who is to blame for wars. It is not only the fault of the politicians. On the contrary, it is the fault of all of us, the common people. We wage wars because it is in our nature, in our very own blood, to kill and to hate. We are capable of hatred as much as of loving.
Why only did I feel satisfied when I killed the spider who was peacefully napping in my room? I felt superior to him and I was proud that I won. It is thus no different to kill other human being if only we feel like he is inferior to us.
It is so easy to hate, to put someone down, mock him or treat him badly. However it is much harder to be a nice person, to help without expecting something back.
Naturally we are just greedy animals who constantly want more, and are jealous of the others who have more. We always want to be happier, prettier, richer than our neighbours.
Look at the small children; how much hatred and teasing they are capable of. They naturally mock the weaker from the group. They fight, beat each other, laugh at other kids because most of the individuals need to feel superior to their classmates. And what about the weaker children? No, they are not any better...Just weaker. If they could they would certainly do the same to their tormentors. However they must compensate their inferiority in different ways, which sometimes result in becoming good people.
I have often wondered how could kids be so cruel. I remember my own thoughts as a five year old; once they told me that the earthworm is able to survive after you cut it in half. The first thing I did was to go outside to try it out. I also used to be very jealous, and wanted things which I couldn't have. I smiled when my parents scolded my brother instead of me. However such a behaviour is not due to the bad influence from the outside world. Do you really believe kids do it only because they see violence in the movies, or they pick it up from the behaviour of their older friends, even from the comic books? I believe the hatred and need to fight is naturally in our genes no matter how isolated you would be from the society. Children would still have the tendency to hate and destroy. In the same way as the good is engraved deep inside us, also the bad is. We have to fight to push back the evil one. Everyone has to. Only then the world would be a better place, a safer place, only then would this planet be more peaceful.
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