So here I am. Married. Excited, happy, a bit scared. But I am not alone; there are two of us feeling this way. I suppose that's what the marriage is about...
Anyhow, now that I know someone for 2 weeks and have already decided we are suited for each other because by now we have experienced many things in life, know what we want (sort of), I am being called irresponsible? I guess you cannot satisfy everyone. I think a lot has to do with the mentality of Slovaks. They must have an opinion about everything and they must find a drawback even in a beautiful, shiny, cloudless day after a pay-rise. Nothing will ever satisfy my folks. My mum has told me that she is slowly getting used to the fact that her kids did not achieve anything just after I announced my plans to go to India to travel. Traveling is obviously considered as not doing anything. Oh yes, I have forgotten. You need to have your degrees- masters at least; you need to find a good payed job (FYI occupations such as a drug dealer or a prostitute does not count, pity...) You need to get married. Of course he must be a dude from a good family, with a reasonable education. Oh yes and children. You definitely need to plan to have children. Become a follower. Go with the crowd. Only then people would be happy with you and won't call you crazy. Do not be a leader, you might change the world. You might be happy. What a crime!
I have already achieved few big things in my life- compared to some other people of my age. I have lived abroad, I traveled. I changed few jobs. In particular I am proud of working as a journalist. It doesn't matter that I didn't achieve the goal I set initially or that I got kicked out of the TV. I have changed, as we all do over the years therefore my goals have changed too. Maybe I do not want anymore what I wanted before. Maybe it wasn't making me happy.
I do not know what will happen, I do not know if I can manage to stay happy. Ever since I came to India I have slowly calmed down. And because I stopped stressing about little things and stopped following the social conventions all the things have started working out for me. My social life, my love life, even my passion for job is fruitful. I do not know what is going to happen. There are always accidents, diseases, economic crises threatening your life. And you got only two options- worry about what the future might bring and save money for the worst, or have the balls to actually enjoy the present moment.
I chose to life for the moment. So I got married.
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