Quiet, tranquil, endless. That's space.

That's why I loved the movie. For it has precisely pictured the laws of physics yet done it in the most beautiful way.
I've seen Gravity twice, once at Komedia and the other at Odeon (Brighton). I must say the first screening was a lot better though not because it was the first time for me but mostly because of the quality. I went for the 3D version and did not regret for a second. Normally I would avoid 3D movies but this time the whole experience was indeed about the third dimension (not that 3D movies are really three dimensional...) The effect surfaced the depth the movie certainly needed, and added to the emotional value of it. The 3D aspect was simple yet gave you this complex experience when you thought you are indeed in the space.
So the reason I hated the screening at the Odeon was due to the fact that all the 3D movies seem always too dark on the screen, until the point that my eyes hurt. Then I try to remove the special glasses to rest but obviously that won't solve the problem since you just see the image doubled. And don't get me wrong, it's not the glasses. It must be the screen since at Komedia I didn't have that problem. Secondly I am also wondering if the Odeon staff haven't tuned down the sound. When you watch something for the second time you catch the entire dialogues even the parts you perhaps missed the first time. However this was not the case with me.
Despite of all this I loved the movie.
There were only two actors playing in it. And four voices. And two dead bodies, so technically that's just a prop. Really, just two actors. And that made the movie even more awesome. Sandra Bullock is one of my favorite actresses and yet I didn't expect much of her in a space movie. But she was shining. She was so right for the role, it suited her absolutely perfectly.
George Clooney however was even a bigger surprise for me. I would never consider him for the role and it did take me some time to get used to him. I just did not believe that he could be Kowalski; a great astronaut with so much space experience. It just didn't feel natural. Everything else, his attitude and his jokes were perfectly suited for him.
And then there was this interesting aspect of Dr Stone's (Bullock) deceased daughter. At first I couldn't comprehend what it had to do with the movie but then I realized there has to be something to talk about. There weren't many topics to discuss yet you didn't really noticed it.
I think the movie was very strong, felt very real and moreover was very well played. It had a twist, and you felt enough of the adrenaline and excitement. And that was amazing. And still, the story was quite simple. The survival. I really loved how they tackled it. There are so many movies exploring this same issue that sometimes it gets boring. Gravity wasn't.
The movie has got great reviews and now I know why. Normally I don't go for a screening for a second time. This one was definitely worth it.
Oh and an interesting fact. Director's son Jonás Cuarón did a short film showing the other side of Bullock's story. When she was calling to Earth and talking to a man, we don't really know what he is talking about or whereabouts he is. This short film explains it all. Enjoy!
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